• D-Star And D-Rats

    From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Friday, April 28, 2023 00:06:50

    D-Star and D-Rats are two of the digital modes with amateur radio.
    Originally developed by the Japan Amateur Radio League, and Icom, it
    is now worldwide.

    Affectionately known as "Echolink On Steroids", you can access the
    D-Star Network via several ways:

    DV Dongle: Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux Systems. It attaches
    to the computers USB port. Program software is available from the
    internet. The devices can be the DV Dongle, ThumbDV, or WinDV. It is
    directly over the internet, with no RF gear required at your end.

    DVAP (Digital Voice Access Point): Works with a Raspberry Pi to
    create a virtual hotspot, and access to the Internet with your
    D-Star Radio.

    D-Star Radio: Handi-Talkies, Base Stations, and Mobile Radios.

    The website dstarinfo.com has more information, plus links to several
    videos and files.

    There are also several files in the D-Star Files are on the BBS,

    BASICEMA.PDF Basic email settings for D-Rats. Requires the Adobe Acrobat
    Reader to view.
    BGNDRATS.PDF A Beginners Guide To D-Rats. Requires the Adobe Acrobat
    Reader to view.
    BROCHURE.PDF Icom Brochure on D-Star Radios. Requires the Adobe Acrobat
    Reader to view.
    DRATINST.EXE D-Rats Installation Program. Send messages, email, ICS
    forms, files, and chat in real time. Windows version.
    DRATSDMO.PPT PowerPoint demonstration of D-Rats. Requires the appropriate
    program to view.
    DRATSTNC.PDF D-Rats with a TNC. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. DRTS2PKT.PDF D-Rats To Packet. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. DRTSDMO2.PPT Another Powerpoint Demonstration of D-Rats. Requires the
    appopriate program to view.
    DRTSFLDG.PDF D-Rats and FLDigi. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. DRTSTRN1.PDF D-Rats Training, prepared by Lew Maxwell, KB5HPT.
    Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
    DVTLINST.EXE DV Tool Installation Program. Use with DV Dongle, or a DVAP
    and a Raspberry Pi. Windows version.
    GETNGPGM.ZIP Where to get the D-Star Programs and Other Info.
    GETSTART.PDF Getting Started in D-Star and D-Rats. Requires the Adobe
    Acrobat Reader to view.
    LSNPLANS.ZIP New D-Rats Tutorials from Lew, KB5HPT. Requires the Adobe
    Acrobat Reader to view the enclosed PDF files.
    LZHUF_1.ZIP Updated LZHUF program for users of 64-bit systems. Go to
    Program Files\D-Rats\Libexec folder, and replace the 32-bit version with
    this version.
    NETMENU.PDF Menu of Selected D-Star and D-Rats Nets. Requires the Adobe
    Acrobat Reader to view.
    NHCNTRPT.XML National Hurricane Center Report Form for use with D-Rats. OPERGUID.PDF An operators guide to D-Rats. Requires the Adobe Acrobat
    Reader to view.
    OPGUIDAD.PDF Addendum to the operators guide to D-Rats. Requires the Adobe
    Acrobat Reader to view.
    QKSETUP.PDF Quick Setup for D-Rats. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to
    RATFFATG.ZIP How to cure Ratflector Fatigue.
    RATFLIST.ZIP A list of selected Ratflectors, and how to enter them in
    RR_BADGE.JPG Badge for Net Control (the Conductor) of the D-Star RR Net,
    which will start on September 8, 2017, and meet every Friday, at 8pm ET,
    7pm CT, 6pm MT, and 5pm PT, on Reflector 26A. Any topic related to trains
    and railroading will be welcome for discussion.
    RTFLCTOR.PDF How to set up your own Ratflector. Requires the Adobe Acrobat
    Reader to view.
    SKYWARN.XML Skywarn Report Form for use with D-Rats.
    STATCOVL.PDF Creating static overlays in D-Rats. Requires the Adobe
    Acrobat Reader to view.
    THUMB-DV.PDF Thumb-DV Brochure, and the rationale for using it. Courtesy
    of J.G. Shaw, WA6PX. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
    XMLCSV.ZIP Important information on the XML and CSV Files in this area.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)