• Top Parisian Noshes - 10

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 14:42:00
    The Ice Cream at Folderol: Ice cream and wine are unlikely bedfellows,
    but the two come together harmoniously at Folderol, Compagnon and Yang’s
    cave à vin, which is next door to Le Rigmarole. The couple took a gamble
    on the pairing when they opened at the end of 2020 - not only because of pandemic-related restrictions (service was initially to-go only) but
    also because of a local culture that rarely succumbs to the joy of a few
    scoops of ice cream after a long day.

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Red Wine Ice Cream
    Categories: I scream, Desserts, Wine
    Yield: 5 servings

    750 ml Bottle of red wine
    2/3 c Brown sugar
    2 c Heavy whipping cream
    1 c Half & half
    4 Egg yolks
    1 Vanilla bean

    The first step in making our wine ice cream is to reduce
    the wine down to a syrup-y liquid. Pour your bottle of
    red wine into a large pot and simmer over low medium
    heat until it is reduced to one cup of liquid. About an
    hour. Once it has been reduced, set aside.

    In a medium pot, whisk together the brown sugar, and
    whipping cream. Cut your vanilla bean in half and scrape
    out that beautiful vanilla caviar into the pot. Add the
    bean pod to the pot as well.

    Stir constantly while cooking over medium heat until it
    begins to steam, but before it boils.

    Beat your egg yolks with a fork or with a mixer until
    they are light colored. Remove the vanilla bean pod from
    the cream and slowly add the cream into the egg yolks.
    It is important to add the cream to the eggs very slowly
    so that they do not curdle.

    Once you have successfully added the cream to the eggs,
    pour the mixture back into the pot and cook over medium
    heat until it thickens and turns in to a custard. If it
    sticks to the back of a wooden spoon, it is done. Remove
    from it from heat.

    Pour the mixture through a strainer and into a large
    bowl. Stir in the half and half and the reduced wine.

    Chill the mixture in the fridge for an hour or two until
    cold. Add to your ice cream maker and freeze according

    to directions. If it is too soft for your liking, stick
    in the freezer for a few more hours.

    By: Jessica Pinney

    RECIPE FROM: https://cooking.nytimes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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