• Ivana Trump's Ex RIP

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Björn Felten on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 01:29:04
    Hello Björn,

    Prostitution can be described as exchanging sexual conduct for
    anything of value - which is illegal in most areas of the USA.

    What very few people seem to understand, is that a constitution is the law for the lawmakers (not the people!).

    Especially in regards to freedom of speech. Note the first few
    words of the First Amendment to the US Constitution -

    "The Congress shall make no law ..."

    It tells the lawmakers what laws the *may* create.

    Except for one line in the entire document, everything is in
    plain simple English. And yet so many have difficulty reading
    it, much less understanding it.

    If it's not explicitly said so in the constitution, any related law is unconstitutional.

    Just because the 22nd Amendment says no president can be elected
    to more than two terms does not mean an elected president is limited
    to serving two terms.

    This totally different from the laws, where it says what you *cannot* do --
    if it's not mentioned in the law you can go ahead and do it.

    If President Trump runs and wins in 2024, it would be another
    first term. He could then serve a second elected term in 2028.
    You do see how that works? A second consecutive term has to
    follow a first term. Since President Biden is now in office,
    President Trump's new term would become his first term.

    I'll spell it out for you. We number our presidents, in order -


    As you can tell, those presidents who serve two consecutive
    terms have only one number. If the terms are not consecutive,
    then it is a different president. This has happened before.

    Grover Cleveland ran for president three times, winning two
    out of three against the same opponent.

    Now, where in the USC does it say, that the lawmakers may create laws that makes prostitution illegal?

    Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas.
    Due to a city ordinance.
    However, it is legal in the rest of the state (Nevada).


    The people! Unite! Will never be defeated!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)