• Today in History - 1764

    From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 05:18:21
    21 February 1764 - FREEDOM OF THE PRESS GOES ON TRIAL: English House of
    Commons tries John Wilkes in absentia and finds him guilty of publishing
    a seditious libel for his "Essay on Women," an obscene parody of
    Alexander PopeΓÇÖs "Essay on Man" He was then denounced as a blasphemer
    and libeler for Essay on Woman.

    Wilkes's political enemies, foremost among them John Montagu, 4th Earl
    of Sandwich, who was also a member of the Hellfire Club, obtained the
    parody. Sandwich had a personal vendetta against Wilkes that stemmed in
    large part from embarrassment caused by a prank of Wilkes involving the
    Earl at one of the Hellfire Club's meetings; he was delighted at the
    chance for revenge. Wilkes had frightened Sandwich during a seance put
    on by the club. Sandwich read the poem to the House of Lords in an
    effort to denounce Wilkes's moral behaviour, despite the hypocrisy of
    his action. The Lords declared the poem obscene and blasphemous, and it
    caused a great scandal. The House of Lords moved to expel Wilkes again;
    he fled to Paris before any expulsion or trial. He was tried and found
    guilty in absentia of obscene libel and seditious libel, and was
    declared an outlaw.

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Disney's Earl of Sandwich Full Montagu Sandwich
    Categories: Beef, Poultry, Cheese, Vegetables, Breads
    Yield: 4 sandwiches

    4 Submarine/Hoagie Rolls split
    - lengthwise
    1/2 lb Thin sliced roast beef
    1/2 lb Thin sliced turkey
    8 sl Sharp cheddar; ea cut in 2
    - triangles
    8 sl Ementhal cheese; ea cut in 2
    - triangles
    Lettuce pulled apart into
    - leaves
    12 sl Tomato
    Honey mustard

    Set oven @ 400┬║F/205┬║C.

    Spread bottom half of each roll with a small bit of
    honey mustard.

    Layer 1/4 of roast beef on each bottom half.

    Top roast beef with 1/4 of turkey.

    Place 4 triangles cheddar cheese on turkey on
    each sandwich.

    Place 4 triangles Swiss cheese on each sandwich.

    Place prepared sandwich bottoms (open-faced) on a foil
    - lined baking sheet.

    Place sheet in oven. Bake 4 to 5 minutes, until cheese
    is melted and bread is toasty.

    Remove from oven.

    Place a leaf or two of lettuce on top of the melted

    Top with three slices of tomato.

    Spread a generous amount of honey mustard on top buns.

    Place top buns on each prepared bottom.

    Serve with a side of kettle chips in your favorite
    flavor, just like at Earl of Sandwich.

    RECIPE FROM: https://secretcopycatrestaurantrecipes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one" -- A. J. Why

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