• Estate Planning for Hams (What happens to all your stuff?)

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, August 30, 2024 18:17:55

    August is National Make-a-Will month. Some estimates show that nearly two-thirds of Americans don't have a plan. For some, it's procrastination. Others don't know where to start. "So many times we hear from the family of a Silent Key who are overwhelmed with what to do with a lifetime worth of amateur radio gear," said ARRL Director of Development Kevin Beal, K8EAL. "Simply thinking through what needs to be done ahead of time can prevent the stress on our loved ones after we are gone." 

    ARRL this week held a webinar[1], hosted by Beal and Dino Papas, KLOS, to discuss the first steps of planning. "It is something that, unfortunately, doesn't get a lot of attention. The bottom-line up front is, 'what happens to all our beloved ham gear when that inevitable day comes along that we become a Silent Key?'... Unfortunately, that day may arrive unexpectedly - so we need to prepare ahead of time to make it as simple as possible for our families," said Papas.

    On the ARRLHQ YouTube channel, you can see a replay of the 52-minute presentation[2], along with the question-and-answer section at the end.

    "Your station is an asset, just like anything else you've built and put resources into. Deciding now what happens when you become a Silent Key can help solidify your legacy to ham radio," said Beal. The ARRL Legacy Circle[3] recognizes the generosity of individuals who have planned support for ARRL through wills, trusts, life insurance gifts, and other ways. The ARRL Legacy Circle ensures that ARRL and amateur radio will continue to thrive for generations to come.

    [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQF31INyo-w
    [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQF31INyo-w
    [3] https://www.arrl.org/arrl-legacy-circle

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