• ARRL Straight Key Night 2024

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Sunday, December 24, 2023 16:50:47

     ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio[1]¿ Straight Key Night (SKN) is held on January 1, 2024, from 0000 UTC through 2359 UTC.



    Many hams look forward to SKN as one of the highlights of their operating year.


    Operators participate using Morse code (CW). All you need is your favorite straight key or bug. Many participants dust off vintage radios and keys and put them back into service each year just for this event.


    SKN is not a contest, so there's no need for quick exchanges. However, all hand keys, regardless of age, are welcome. The number of contacts you make is not important. The reward is meeting new friends as you get together on the air.


    Send a list of stations contacted, SKN stories and photos, and your votes for Best Fist and Most Interesting QSO to straightkey@arrl.org[2] by January 31, 2024.


    More information is available at www.arrl.org/straight-key-night[3]


    [1] https://www.arrl.org/
    [2] mailto:StraightKey@arrl.org
    [3] http://www.arrl.org/straight-key-night

    ■ Synchronet ■ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From Khronos@VERT/CWSHACK to QST on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 12:08:52
    Re: ARRL Straight Key Night 2024
    By: ARRL de WD1CKS to QST on Sun Dec 24 2023 16:50:47

    I will be operating with my straight key.
    I like to always hear all those old transmitters on the air and what they sounded like back in the day before my time.


    ■ Synchronet ■ Cw Shack Bbs telnet kf4yey.com 2330