• 2023 SEA-PAC: Successful ARRL Northwestern Division Convention

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Thursday, June 08, 2023 19:25:34

    "Surf a Radio Wave" was the headline for the Pacific Northwest's largest amateur radio convention, SEA-PAC[1], which held its 41st event, June 2 - 4, 2023, in Seaside, Oregon. The convention hosted the 2023 ARRL Northwestern Division Convention.

    ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, delivered an inspiring keynote address at Saturday's banquet. Goodgame spoke about current and future ARRL initiatives to increase the adoption of amateur radio by more schools as part of a STEM education curriculum. His spouse, Cyndi Goodgame, K5CYN, spoke at the YL Luncheon, on the topic of developing the next generation of young women in amateur radio. She was joined by Katherine Campbell, KE8LQR, of Columbiana, Ohio, and ARDC Executive Director Rosy Schechter, KJ7RYV, of Portland, Oregon. Both offered personal perspectives on being active hams. At age 15, Campbell holds an Amateur Extra Class license, and participates in many hamfests to recruit and encourage other young hams.

    A large student presence at SEA-PAC was organized by Scott Rosenfeld, N7JI, Technical Advisor for the ham radio club at the University of Oregon (UO), Ducks on the Air[2]. Students from three schools supported a booth for the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Program including UO, Portland State University (PSU), and Oregon State University. "It was great to see such enthusiastic participation from the students, such great support from ARRL and the SEA-PAC organizers, and so much personal interaction between attendees and our students supporting collegiate amateur radio," said Rosenfeld. PSU students used the opportunity to present their student-led aerospace project, OreSat, Oregon's first satellite. OreSat0 is a CubeSat that launched In March 2022. Additional OreSats are in various stages of development and launch planning. Students track and receive data from the satellites with amateur radio. "The students enjoyed the experience so much that they've already discussed doing it again next year, and how to make the experience even better," added Rosenfeld, who thanked show attendees for spending time talking with the students.

    Saturday's ARRL Membership forum was moderated by Northwestern Division Director Mike Ritz, W7VO. Ritz reminded members of ARRL's 2023 theme, Year of the Volunteers. CEO David Minster, NA2AA, invited members to "reach one rung higher" in their volunteerism and support for ARRL and amateur radio. President Rick Roderick, K5UR, charged, "What are you doing for amateur radio?" encouraging members to ensure a lasting legacy for amateur radio's future.

    Also in attendance was Maxim Society Member Holly Roderick; Vice Director Mark Tharp, KB7HDX; Western Washington Section Manager (SM) Monte Simpson, W7FF; Eastern Washington SM Jo Whitney, KA7LJQ; Alaska SM David Stevens, KL7EB; Santa Barbara SM John Kitchens, NS6X, and ARRL Director of Marketing and Innovation Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R.

    The convention kicked off on Friday with a series of all-day workshops. Two sessions were held to build an end-fed half-wave antenna kit (available from ARRL[3]).

    See ARRL's photo album from SEA-PAC on Facebook[4].

    SEA-PAC is sponsored by the Oregon Tualatin Valley Amateur Radio Club, and co-sponsored by the Clark County Amateur Radio Club. The next SEA-PAC will be held May 30 - June 2, 2024. Visit www.arrl.org/hamfests[5] to find a hamfest near you.

    [1] https://www.seapac.org/
    [2] https://blogs.uoregon.edu/ducksontheair/
    [3] http://www.arrl.org/end-fed-half-wave-antenna-kit
    [4] https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.635363978625920
    [5] http://www.arrl.org/hamfests

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