• Binkd 1.1a114 binaries for Intel macOS

    From Alexander Kruglikov@2:5053/58 to All on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 22:45:04
    Good ${greeting_time}, All!

    Binkd 1.1a114 binaries for Intel macOS

    https://kruglikov.info/?dl_id=15 - with perl
    https://kruglikov.info/?dl_id=16 - without perl

    Also hatched to AFTNBINKD fecho.

    Remove .try files after successful session

    * Originally in BINKD
    * Crossposted in RU.BINKD

    With best regards,

    --- "GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504" ---
    * Origin: 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, Hmmm... (2:5053/58)